Our Programs
We have developed a comprehensive, thorough and effective digital sales training program to help you learn and apply critical behaviors in the field. Each of our training programs is customized to improve skills based on the stage of sale and the complexity of the sale. Explore our course content map below by choosing the module that interests you:

- All
- Computer Modules
- Entrepreneurship Modules
- Integration Modules in the Company
- Marketing Modules and Digital Product Sales
- Integration Modules in the Company
- Marketing Modules and Digital Product Sales
- Entrepreneurship Modules
- Computer Modules
Be confident that you will receive the best training for an incredible price!
Optimal quality in our training is a top priority, in addition to constituting our best-selling points. Which is why Réussir À Coup Sûr (RACS) is at the heart of obtaining the maximum of certifications as possible and referencing through DATADOCK is one of them.
Several referencing and certification initiatives are in progress with the following organizations: Datadock, CNEFOP, Afnor, NF Service Training 214, ICPF & PSI (Certification Institute of Training and Intellectual Service Provisioning Professionals), ISQ-OPQF (Qualification of Intellectual Services – Pro- fissional Office for the Qualification of Training Organizations) ISO 9001).
An internal audit is carried out regularly.
An external audit provider will also be retained to evaluate our activities.